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Digital Power Of Women Conference
NOVEMBER 17 - 18, 2024
This year, Power Of Women has partnered with G20 Social (an initiative of the Brazilian Presidency), W20, and Civil 20, to expand the base of social participation in the G20 forum. Our 2nd Digital Power Of Women (DPOW) Conference invites all individuals and groups, especially women and girls, from around the world to participate digitally in the advocacy of public policies for the G20 states, focusing on areas such as environmental protection, peace and conflict resolution, digital space and technology access, economic development, education and entrepreneurship, and many cross-cutting themes all through a female perspective. DPOW 2024 will also highlight the pivotal role of female leadership for a just world and sustainable planet.
We advocate for policies and practices that are gender inclusive and eliminate barriers for women and girls.
A big milestone was achieved with India’s parliament passing a landmark bill after the G20 summit that reserves a third of its seats in the lower house and state assemblies for women.
DPOW Conference 2023
In 2023, Power Of Women collaborated with the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Working Group of the Civil 20, an official engagement group of G20 India to amplify advocacy efforts of policies for women and girls through our 1st Digital Power Of Women (DPOW) Conference that ran parallel to the G20 summit in India in September.
Power Of Girls Clubs
The first Power of Girls Clubs were launched in Kinoni, Uganda to increase the school retention rate among girls and prepare them for college and leadership roles in their communities. Ten clubs have been formed in Kinoni, with a total of 132 girls aged between 6 and 18.
We equip girls with the skills, confidence, and support needed to excel in their communities and step forward as leaders.
Power Of Women
3-Song Album
Discover our latest musical initiatives that highlight the crucial role of women and girls in leading sustainable development. The Power Of Women Anthem and Earth’s Song demo versions celebrate female strength and environmental stewardship, while the upcoming Peace Anthem, will honor female leadership in global peace efforts.
We use edutainment to shape positive attitudes, behaviors, and confidence among women and girls, inspiring active female leadership in communities.
Our Vision
We envision a world where the contributions of women and girls are universally recognized as pivotal in achieving global peace, well-being, and sustainable development across communities worldwide.
Why Our Work is Needed
"We must invest in programs to end violence against women, and to drive women’s inclusion and leadership in economies, digital technologies, peacebuilding, and climate action." - UNSG Antonio Guterres
The lack of representation of the female perspective in decision-making processes leads to policies and initiatives that fail to address the unique challenges and needs faced by women and girls, not only perpetuating a cycle of inequality but also contributing to poverty in communities. Females make up half of the world’s population. Numerous studies and reports indicate that when women lead, there’s economic growth, social development, health and well-being, conflict resolution and peacebuilding, and environmental sustainability are prioritized. We have to consider the perspectives of women and girls to effectively address the gender disparity and progress on sustainable development goals.
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
- Albert Einstein
To truly address the multifaceted issues facing our world, we must break away from the status quo and integrate more diverse voices into leadership roles. By empowering women and girls to take active roles in these processes, we can foster new perspectives and innovative solutions that benefit society as a whole.
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Power of Women is a We Are The Hope 501(c)(3) Initiative © 2025 Los Angeles, CA